Servanthood Evidence of Change





Have you noticed that every time you consider serving God, a war begins to rage? The war can be caused by your own pride or can be a result of persecution from others. Circumstances can also make it harder to live in servant hood, as God has called you to do.

How it confuses the world to hear of a righteous King who came to save and to serve those who were His enemies because of His love for them! Our response to this love results in changed lives as we, now His children, are transformed into the likeness of the King. Servanthood becomes the evidence of this change. The King’s children become servants not because they have to, but because they want to!


Who’s Servant are you?

How did Jesus show you He is a Servant?

Where can you Serve God daily?

Why can you not be a Servant to God and money?

When did you become the Lord’s Servant?

How can you learn to be a good and faithful Servant?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?